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The rock pigeon, can be found all over New Zealand and are a large grey / blue and white bird. They are most often seen in urban areas such as parks and gardens and around buildings, bridges and warehouses.
As pigeons are historically used to being in association with man, human presence does not deter them, in fact they now depend on humans to provide them with a food source.They mainly eat grain and seeds but will also scavenge for food scraps left by humans,
They nest in any fairly sheltered area; trees or large shrubs but also ledges, roof tops, air conditioning units, window sills, steeples, gutters, vents and chimneys, which can create a fire risk and blockages.
Feral pigeons are the number one urban pest, due to the mess they make, the damage they cause and the diseases they carry and transmit. Their droppings are highly corrosive, causing extensive damage to metals and other such substances, quite apart from expensive clean up costs. Droppings also contribute to a high number of slips and falls. Pigeon nesting material has been a cause of; failure in machines, fires and floods.
Portable, remote controlled electronic bird banger, gas gun. Special Features: Protects areas of between 1 and 5 hectares Portable and easy to use...
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