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Stoats, ferrets and weasels were introduced to New Zealand in the 1880’s to control rabbits. A big mistake as these mustelids soon became as much or more of a pest and stoats are now considered native bird’s worst enemy.
Mustelids hunt at any time day or night and can travel large distances over land and water. They live in any habitat wherever they can find prey.
Even if population numbers are low, they can still have a huge impact on survival of native birds, especially kiwis, blue ducks and penguins. Also Kakapo can now only be found on mustelid free islands.
Stoats, ferrets and weasels also threaten farming industries as they can carry bovine tuberculosis.
The best way to control stoats, ferrets and weasels is with traps.
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Live capture cage trap. Suitable for: Ferrets Stoats Rabbits Hedgehogs Special Features: Top quality Strong Zinc plated Collapsible - for easy ...
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