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Three Little Pigs Vineyard in Hawkes Bay are very happy with their Birdzout Auto Laser Ultimate MK2.
View the video to find out more
Windy Hill Sanctuary is a egological restoration project spanning 800 hectares on Aotea Great Barrier Island.
Their overall objective is to sustain and enhance the biodiversity of the area by removing invasive plants and animals creating a Sanctuary within which native species can flourish, threatened species can be protected, and species that have been lost to the Island reintroduced.
Article first published in the Otago Daily TimesViticulturist Barry Hunt with "Birdzout" auto bird scare laser to be used at Ewing Stevens' Anthony James Vineyard near Alexandra. Using lasers to control birds might sound like science fiction but Ewing Stevens...
Article first published in the Farmers Weekly Using lasers to deter birds draws on images of deadly ray guns shooting the flying targets down in a smoking pile of feathers. The reality is somewhat less spectacular, but proving equally effective...
PlaceMakers Oamaru war von einem großen Möwenproblem auf dem Dach ihres neuen Gebäudes betroffen und brauchte eine schnelle Lösung.Da die Dachfläche groß und relativ flach war und die Vögel sich über die gesamte Fläche niederlassen konnten, wären physikalische Vogelschutzmethoden kostspielig...
Kunden berichten von hohen Erfolgsquoten mit Live-Capture-FallenBei einigen Berichten sind die Erfassungsraten mindestens zehnmal höher als bei Tötungsfallen und anderen Fangmethoden. Grant Ryan, aus Das Kakophonie-Projektführte über einen Zeitraum von 4 Wochen einen Versuch durch, an dem a Pestgard Tunnel...
Through word of mouth, we heard of these traps, and contacted Pestgard, who supplied a sample of the trap.
“We have, since October 2012, now purchased over 750 of these traps, and have found the trap to be of high quality and easy to use”