Getting the most out of your Pestgard Tunnel Trap
Read on to learn some tips and tricks for getting the most out of your Pestgard Tunnel Trap and catching those last few elusive pests.
Its all about location, attraction and deception
Read on to learn some tips and tricks for getting the most out of your Pestgard Tunnel Trap and catching those last few elusive pests.
Its all about location, attraction and deception
Learn from John as he discusses his methods as a predator hunter and his techniques for trapping those last few elusive pests - catching the uncatchable.
Keep an eye out for our new Pestgard Tunnel Trap MK2.
Iconic rural kiwi life = protecting kiwis!
Windy Hill Sanctuary is a egological restoration project spanning 800 hectares on Aotea Great Barrier Island.
Their overall objective is to sustain and enhance the biodiversity of the area by removing invasive plants and animals creating a Sanctuary within which native species can flourish, threatened species can be protected, and species that have been lost to the Island reintroduced.
We saw a need in the market for a strong, durable, robust trap that could handle New Zealand's extreme coastal conditions, and was manufactured in New Zealand.
After many ideas, designs and prototypes the Tunnel Trap MK2 entered the scene.
Warum sollten Sie Live-Capture-Käfigfallen verwenden
Live-Capture-Käfige sind ideale Fallen, die für die Schädlingsbekämpfung verwendet werden können
Kunden berichten von hohen Erfolgsquoten mit Live-Capture-FallenBei einigen Berichten sind die Erfassungsraten mindestens zehnmal höher als bei Tötungsfallen und anderen Fangmethoden. Grant Ryan, aus Das Kakophonie-Projektführte über einen Zeitraum von 4 Wochen einen Versuch durch, an dem a Pestgard Tunnel...
Through word of mouth, we heard of these traps, and contacted Pestgard, who supplied a sample of the trap.
“We have, since October 2012, now purchased over 750 of these traps, and have found the trap to be of high quality and easy to use”
Müssen Sie eine Ratte fangen, unsere Tipps zum Fangen von Ratten. Ratten sind eine der produktivsten Schädlingsartenarten in Neuseeland. Sie dringen in unsere Häuser und Gebäude ein und töten einheimische Vögel und wildes Leben.Die Verwendung von Fallen zum Fangen von...