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Windy Hill Sanctuary is a egological restoration project spanning 800 hectares on Aotea Great Barrier Island.
Their overall objective is to sustain and enhance the biodiversity of the area by removing invasive plants and animals creating a Sanctuary within which native species can flourish, threatened species can be protected, and species that have been lost to the Island reintroduced.
Threatened species present include: kereru, kaka, black petrel, grey faced petrel, striped and chevron skinks, pacific and forest geckos, and pateke.
Since the project’s inception the group have trapped over
66,000 rats
452 feral cats
352 feral pigs
300 wild goats
and removed 66 wasp nests
This is the largest area of integrated pest management on Aotea / Great Barrier Island
The beautiful coastal location also created some challenges, with salt spray corroding and rusting the existing traps they were using.
Enter the Pestgard MK2 Tunnel Trap.
This trap is made of aluminium, which means superior rust protection.
The tunnel design is ideal for trap shy / wary feral cats and the trip plate is also sensitive enough to catch a rat.
Built to last the Sanctuary will get many years of trapping out of each trap. Helping decrease pest numbers so native species can flourish.
“Solid, easy to set, no rust. Very effective at catching rabbits” - Judy Gilbert
Want to do your bit for conservation without leaving your home? Donate today to Windy Hill Sanctuary
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