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Getting the most out of your Pestgard Tunnel Trap

Getting the most out of your Pestgard Tunnel Trap

Read on to learn some tips and tricks for getting the most out of your Pestgard Tunnel Trap and catching those last few elusive pests.

Its all about location, attraction and deception

Location, location, location - find the prime predator real estate spot

Place the trap parallel to predator highways and natural channeling points. Alongside roads, ridges, rivers, hedges, gulleys, fencelines or tree rows - their animal runs or game trails. Predators follow a pathway just like we do as they can move faster so placing the trap on this route or at a junction of two highways will increase traffic moving around where your trap is positioned. Ensure the trap is placed on a flat surface so it doesn't wobble or tip as this can put the predator off entering. 

Attraction - appeal to the natural nosiness of the predator

Create as much interest at your trap site as possible. Scuff up the dirt, either side of the trap entrance - predators naturally investigate it as they think it is a rat hole or a rabbit burrow, and the smell of fresh dirt can also be an attractant.  Can also place a small branch or ferns along the outside of the trap leading out to encourage them to follow the path and guide them to the trap as well but ensure the entrance is nice and clear.

Would also suggest leaving the trap unset for a few days (without the doors in place) so animals get used to running through it and also transfer their scent - this encourages other animals to enter the trap as well. Set the trap - then boom!

Another way to make the trap attractive to predators is to drag a fresh previously caught predator through the trap to transfer their scent and encourage others into the trap. Leaving a fresh caught rodent in the trap or sprinkling raw mutton / beef fat around the entrance to the trap is another great enticement.

Bait - give them a temptation they can't resist

Whenever possible ensure the bait you use is fresh. Hang bait where it can move in the wind so it looks more lifelike. Position bait above the trip plate so the animal looks up and is not looking at its feet when it enters the trap. Increase the inquisition - lower the caution. Placing the bait up high also means the scent flows through on the breeze and towards the critter as they are running through the area.

If using eggs, make sure they are pale coloured which are easier to see. Place them how they would be laid, on their side - horizontal, not vertical. You can also put a bit of broken egg outside the entrance to the trap as well. 

Deception - trick them by camouflaging the trap to the predators habitat

When trapping always recreate what is natural - make the trap look as least intrusive as possible by mimicking the environment it is in and camouflaging it into the surroundings. Cover the bottom of the trap with grass, dirt, leaves or pine needles – that is what predators are used to walking on. You can also put a cover over it to conceal it a bit more and make it darker - a sack, black polythene or more grass works well. Avoid transferring scent to the trap and the bait by wearing gloves or using long nose pliers.

Looking to up your trapping game and get the last few elusive predators with your own Pestgard Tunnel Trap? View the range here

Happy trapping!  

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