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par Pestgard

Trap de Possum-Grand Cage

Prix d'origine $0
Prix d'origine $105.00 - Prix d'origine $105.00
Prix d'origine
Prix actuel $105.00
excl GST
$105.00 - $105.00 AUD
Prix actuel $105.00 AUD
  • Capture de possum de capture directe.
    Il s'agit d'un excellent piège à possum ou piège à chats.

    Convient pour:
    • Poses
    • Stoats
    • Ferrets
    • Chapeaux
    • Lapins
    • Hedgehogs
    Caractéristiques particulières:
    • Qualité supérieure
    • Fort
    • Platée de zinc
    • Collable-pour faciliter le stockage et le transport
    • Facile à utiliser et à assembler
    • Peut être utilisé comme une cage de transport-a une plaque de métal qui protège votre main
    • Taille-785 x 300 x 320mm
    • 4,8kg

    Lire notre Conseils de piégeage de possum Pour obtenir des conseils sur la façon de piéger les possum.

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    Prix d'origine
    $105.00 AUD
    excl GST
    $105.00 - $105.00 AUD
    Prix actuel $105.00 AUD
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    Prix d'origine $105.00 - Prix d'origine $105.00
    Prix d'origine
    $105.00 AUD
    excl GST
    $105.00 - $105.00 AUD
    Prix actuel $105.00 AUD
  • Pestgard

    Grand piège de cage

    Prix d'origine $105.00 - Prix d'origine $105.00
    Prix d'origine
    $105.00 AUD
    excl GST
    $105.00 - $105.00 AUD
    Prix actuel $105.00 AUD
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    Prix d'origine $105.00 - Prix d'origine $105.00
    Prix d'origine
    $105.00 AUD
    excl GST
    $105.00 - $105.00 AUD
    Prix actuel $105.00 AUD
  • Pestgard

    Chat de Piège à Grande Cage de

    Prix d'origine $105.00 - Prix d'origine $105.00
    Prix d'origine
    $105.00 AUD
    excl GST
    $105.00 - $105.00 AUD
    Prix actuel $105.00 AUD
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    Prix d'origine
    $105.00 AUD
    excl GST
    $105.00 - $105.00 AUD
    Prix actuel $105.00 AUD
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    Prix d'origine $72.00 - Prix d'origine $72.00
    Prix d'origine
    $72.00 AUD
    excl GST
    $72.00 - $72.00 AUD
    Prix actuel $72.00 AUD
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    Prix d'origine
    $72.00 AUD
    excl GST
    $72.00 - $72.00 AUD
    Prix actuel $72.00 AUD
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    Trap de chat-Cage moyen

    Prix d'origine $72.00 - Prix d'origine $72.00
    Prix d'origine
    $72.00 AUD
    excl GST
    $72.00 - $72.00 AUD
    Prix actuel $72.00 AUD
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    Capture d'un chat en cage.Ce sont là un excellent piège pour chats. Convient à la capture en direct de: Chapeaux Poses Ferrets Lapins Hedgehogs L...

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    Prix d'origine
    $72.00 AUD
    excl GST
    $72.00 - $72.00 AUD
    Prix actuel $72.00 AUD

Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
Trevor Smith

Trap works as advertised, excellent

Thank you!

Dear colleagues –
This is simply to say ‘thank you’ for the super-fast delivery of another 3 large cage traps – ordered on the weekend and they were delivered on Tuesday – Amazing!
These are excellent traps – our engagement rate with possums and feral cats, ferrets and hedgehogs is way higher than we ever achieved with Timms Traps. Apart from using possum putty for possums, our absolutely reliable bait for everything else is Pak’N Save Smoked Mackerel – get’s something every time! (We cleaned up a coven of 6 feral cats and kittens in 5 days using this bait – with just one trap).
Thanks for your great service and all best wishes

Very satisfied with trap.

Caught 5 possums in first week.Easy to put together & to set.

Debbie Wilson
Amazing trap

Great trap-caught 5 possums in the last week & 2 unborn babies-.amazing!!!
Easy to assemble & use.
Best trap by far that I've used
Many thanks

Jenny Druzianic
The cat biscuit culprits!

I accused my granddaughter's cat of sneaking into the back room and eating the cat biscuits each night. After receiving the cage I set it over the back door entrance and by 9pm had caught one possum while the second one leapt over the cage and off. Next night he came back for another feed and I caught him too! This is my second cage - the first being recently squashed by my husband's vehicle, after me having caught 29 possums over the last nine months. That is my recommendation for you!